Wellianss guide

How to sell better ?


  • All sorts of tips & tricks to know, before selling
  • The 10  golden rules when putting your real estate for sale
  • The 8 criteria to better choose your real estate agent
  • The mistakes that could cost you a lot

Customer opinion about the guide

"it has shown me the other side of the real estate industry and it is really worthwhile to know all this before selling” Marianne G.

"It was easy to read and really helpful to avoid the traps of some agencies! Thank you Wellianss” Anne B.

"nice tips & tricks, great ideas but foremost many useful tips to recall when choosing your real estate agent!" Nina G.

"I L-O-V-E-D this guide! Very simple, it gives you good advice on the less known aspects of real estate agencies, bravo" Lucie J.

Extracts from the guide

"It’s tempting to believe so, because if the agency has many properties for sale it could stimulate the number of visitors to your property. Well you definitely got it wrong."

"To embark on selling your real estate property by neglecting the new laws of the real estate market you simply risk losing money."

" Always be very careful with estimations too flattery and especially made too fast. Which could happen to you when backing the wrong horse, it will cost you time and money."

" The exclusiveness will ensure the agent can thoroughly prepare the sale, that he can take the time at each stage and that he can seek the highest price possible when negotiating without the risk to “loose” the deal to a competing bid."